About iNovel

What is iNovel?  It is a weekly Internet novel that invites you to become part of the creative process!

iNovel is an innovative way for you to read and help write an Internet novel.

iNovel is a FREE site.  Each week you will receive a new chapter.  These novels of intrigue, murder, and manipulation are being written now by R. Friess or are unpublished.  This allows you to suggest ideas for future chapters or drafts.  All you do is sign-up, enjoy, and provide feedback if you wish.  We like your feedback, criticism, comments, rants, and raves!  

Free Membership

This website is provided free by the author to build a forum for readers like you.  The only requirement is that you sign up a friend after reading every fifth chapter.  Our goal at iNovel is to reach as many readers as possible.

Signing up friends is easy. Either supply their e-mail address to R_Friess@hotmail.com and he will invite them by e-mail, or send your own e-mail, or print out your own invitation.  An acknowledgement will be sent to you by e-mail when they join.  And thanks for passing on the word!

History of iNovel

iNovel is a word-of-mouth accident that has become a popular, weekly serial.  It started when R. Friess first began writing.  Friends, family, and research sources wanted to read chapters as they were written.  They enjoyed it so much they asked if their friends could also read.  R. Friess began using their feedback and ideas in the novels.  As more and more people joined the creative process, R. Friess was spending too many hours sending chapters and reading comments.  A faster way was needed.  iNovel was created.

This encouraged more readers to join.  Now, a sizable audience looks forward to a new chapter each week.  Then they provide their suggestions and watch as those ideas are written into books.  You can be part of the iNovel process too.  Help co-author a novel.  Join iNovel today!  Then add your friends!